Hippity Hop, Hippity Hop, Hippity ... plop

Post date: Mar 27, 2013 5:41:31 AM

Looks like the Easter Bunny will be challenged this year - here's hoping he (or she) can make it over all the snow banks!

Participation in the Optimist Festival was definitely appreciated. We hope to listen to the adjudications at band on Wednesday, March 27.

Note that due to the Easter Break, we will not have rehearsals on April 3 as the school is unavailable.

As we are fast approaching the end of our season, here are some important dates to keep in mind:

- Our AGM will be April 24th

- our Spring Concert is on April 28th

- Intermediate band has a seniors' home performance on May 1st.

Also, please consider signing up for our Hot Dog Sale on June 15th & 16th at the North Canadian Tire - it will be fun and it is one of the few fundraisers we do. Sign up sheets can be expected at the rehearsals on April 10th - watch for them!

Check out the Music Links in the Gallery for some examples of how the pieces we're playing sound when other groups play them! If you have a favourite version that isn't listed, please send it in!


*Wilma Mossing Memorial Scholarship*

All monies donated to the scholarship fund will be used to assist MSM band families who may be experiencing financial difficulties and are unable to fulfill their financial requirement to be a member of Mossing School of Music. Income tax receipts will be provided to those who donate. If you are interested, please mail your donation to: Mossing School of Music, #18 - 2720 - 29th Avenue, REGINA SK., S4S 2N8.

Fees: For those few who haven't paid yet, please talk to Sandra (or bring a cheque), as soon as possible!

Attendance: Please let Bob or Jane know (by phone or email) if you cannot attend - and here's hoping we can get a few nice winter Wednesdays this year!

Upcoming Events:

April 3 NO Rehearsals due to Easter break

April 24, 7:45 pm. AGM - between rehearsals

April 28, 7:00 pm. Spring Concert

May 1st. ?7:00 pm. Intermediate Band plays - details to be announced.

June 15/16 Hot Dog Sale at Canadian Tire North