Trick or Treat?

Post date: Oct 31, 2013 12:38:31 AM

It's already the end of the month!?

Now that the November 11th music is all sorted out, we'll be tackling the Christmas music shortly.

Speaking of Remembrance Day - more info will be coming as we only have a couple more rehearsals before we take the bus to Bert Fox High School in Fort Qu'appelle. Please try to get to rehearsal, and don't forget to get a poppy! Bus details will be out soon - check the calendar entry!


Fees were due by October 23rd if you're paying for the whole year at once, or for those on the instalment plan, the first payment was due by October 23rd, and the second is due by January 8th.

There is no additional fee for being in both Intermediate and Senior band. Please check with us if there are issues with paying your fees.

For your info, our fees go toward: directors' salaries, facilities rental, music and photocopying, clinicians, percussion usage, advertising, promotions, and administrative costs such as postage.

Grey Cup Parade

The Saskatchewan Grey Cup Marching Band wants YOU!

For more information, email

or check their FaceBook page: 2013GreyCupMarchingBand

Please register by November 1st!! There's still lots of prep work for the organizing committee to get done.

Upcoming Events

October 30: Halloween fun night - wear a costume to rehearsal to be eligible to win a prize

November 11: Senior band plays at the Fort Qu'Appelle Remembrance day service

November 23: Grey Cup Parade - Come join the marching band for the parade!

December 11: Christmas Concert at Lakeview United Church