Coming Down to the Wire
Post date: Apr 24, 2019 1:24:43 AM
The temperatures are up and we have more daylight, so it must be getting close to the end of the season!
End-of-Season / LAST Rehearsal Note
This week's rehearsal (April 24th) is at Lakeview United Church, in the basement (knock on the door by Bob's old office and someone will let you in). It is the last one before the concert, so please be there - it will go a little longer for the Intermediate group, and start at 7:30 for the Senior group so we can rehearse Blood Moon together.
Please note that our AGM has been postponed to later in May - watch your email inbox for time and place.
Please let us know if you will no longer be able to attend the Green Falls Landing concert. Watch your inbox for additional details on the concert if you will be there.
Please hand in your folder (and music!!) at the last concert you will be at so the librarian can start on sorting right away.
Don't forget to sign up for a shift at one of the Hot Dog Sales!
Upcoming Events
As information is available, the calendar entries will be updated, but here is a summary of the dates to remember: