Another Season Over...
Post date: May 15, 2013 5:37:54 AM
And just in time for us to enjoy .. summer?
Many thanks from Bob and Jane for the efforts put into this past band year. The year-end concert went very well, and Hootenany certainly finished off the concert on a happy note.
Some reminders for the next couple of months:
The Magic Baton - Celebrating 55 Years of Conducting Bands and Making Music
Please join Bob at the Mossing School of Music concert on Sunday, May 26th, to celebrate this achievement! If you have ever been directed by Bob's baton, you are especially welcome.
Bring your instrument and join the band at the end of the concert for a few nostalgic numbers - check the attached poster (on the calendar too!) for details.
Hot Dog Sale - Canadian Tire North, Jun 15th & 16th
There are still a few shifts that need to be filled - please contact us if you are able to help out. Not only is it a fun time, it's one of our few fundraising activities, so your help will be greatly appreciated.
Bob Mossing Summer Music Camp - July 23-26 or August 6-9
Once again, Bob is putting on his summer music camp for aspiring musicians of all ages!
Contact Bob for registration forms if you haven't picked one up yet - for your friends, children, grandchildren - or yourself! Please register by July 8th.