The Season turns...
Post date: Mar 27, 2012 5:7:23 AM
Saying good-bye
As we welcome the new season, we say good-bye not only to the winter that was (or wasn't), but also to a wonderful person: we extend our condolences to Bob and his family on their loss.
Some important dates to keep in mind:
MARCH 28: Our AGM is this WEDNESDAY between Intermediate and Senior rehearsals! Intermediate will end early, and Senior will start later to give everyone a chance to attend.
APRIL 29: Our Spring Concert will be held the same day as that of the Mossing School of Music; ours will be in the evening while theirs is in the afternoon.
MAY 7: Music Monday - if we can pull it together, an outside performance may take place.
MAY 12: The 80th Annual Williston Band Day Festival will be held in Williston, North Dakota. Please consider joining the Mossing School of Music for their trip.
Any fees outstanding are now OVERDUE. Please see our treasurer to avoid getting the "stare" for that reason. You're on your own, however, when it comes to preparing your part.
There are still new pieces being handed out - make sure you check with the others in your section to see if they kept an extra copy for you.
Note for veteran YouTube viewers or Internet surfers: if you find a particularly good version/performance of any of our current pieces, would you like to share the link?
If you will be unable to attend, please send us an email at or call Bob!
Upcoming Events
More info when we have it!