October Update
Post date: Oct 17, 2010 3:0:21 AM
We're halfway through the month, so it's about time to get an update posted!
Please contact your band director if you are unable to attend rehearsal.
Fees are due by October 27: same price as last year, and the year before, and the year before!!
If needed, two payments (one in September/October, one in January) can spread the "pain" out.
Note: We will be rehearsing at Winston Knoll Collegiate on Wednesday November 3!
Upcoming Events:
October 27, 7:45pm: Halloween Fun Night: Prizes for the best costume in each group! Goodies! Socializing!
15 minutes less rehearsing!!
November 11: Senior Band plays at Remembrance Day service in Fort Qu'appelle
November 13: Applause Dinner Theatre Fundraiser -> look for the e-Poster in your email
November 21, 2pm: Regina's Santa Claus Parade - more info to come
December 5, 2pm: Christmas Concert, at Thom Collegiate - rehearsals finish for the fall
January 12, 2011: Band Rehearsals resume
February 23: Clinic with Clinton Marshall - it was great fun last year!
March 23-25: Regina Optimist Band Festival - performance date and time to follow when available.
April 22-29: Easter break for Regina Public schools
May 1: Spring Concert: 2pm at Thom Collegiate