Happy Spring & Summer!
Post date: May 02, 2011 6:3:59 AM
Year end windup social
Although several members went out after the concert on May 1st, a windup social has been organized for the Wednesday, May 4, at the Last Straw.
We handed in our folders at the year end concert at Lakeview United Church.
If you were unable to attend and overlooked sending it in with someone else, please contact Bob or Jane as soon as possible!
Upcoming Events:
May 4, 7:00 pm: Windup social, Last Straw
May 30, 7:00 pm: Mossing School of Music concert, Lakeview United Church (chapel)
June 4th & 5th: Hot Dog sale at East Canadian Tire: contact Sandra to confirm your shift, please
July 1: Ft Qu'appelle/Regina Beach Canada Day parades - contact Bob with any changes!
July 2: Bengough band shell re-dedication - please contact Bob for more details