Summer sunlight starts to fade...
Post date: Aug 27, 2015 4:25:33 AM
With all the students getting ready to go (back) to school, it's also time to look forward to going back to band.
We hope you had a great summer break. We have another wonderful band year planned for you starting with our first rehearsal, Wednesday, September 16th. As before, Intermediate band is at 6:30 and Senior band is at 8:00, and we rehearse at Thom Collegiate.
If you are not returning to band, please let us know. You can send an e-mail, or give Bob (senior) or Kim (intermediate) a call. We would also appreciate knowing the reason you are not returning.
There are a couple of special occasions to celebrate in the coming band year: Bob's 80th birthday, February 7th, and the 70th Anniversary of the founding of the Regina Lions Band/Mossing School of Music (March 15, 1946).
The lovely poster attached below is courtesy of Terry (thanks again!) - please post it and share it, as band is even more fun with more people playing!