No resting on our laurels - or our poppies!
Post date: Nov 13, 2014 6:27:51 AM
Our recent concerts were quite successful - so much so, that we will be making the Remembrance Concert an annual event. Part of the proceeds from that concert will be going to the local branch of the Legion - and some of it to acquiring new/more music suitable for the concert in years to come.
Our original plan was to collect the Remembrance Day music after the concert in Fort Qu'appelle, but it turns out that it would be appropriate to play some of those pieces at out concert at the Wascana Rehabilitation Centre on December 3rd.
Our Christmas music rehearsals are definitely underway now - the classic pieces like A Christmas Festival are back, accompanied by some new pieces, such as All I Want for Christmas (is You) and a Canadian Brass Christmas. There are a couple other new pieces that were just handed out as well, so there's lots to look forward to next week.
If you are reading this, play a band instrument (or bass guitar, or percussion) - well, we can still use a few more players, so if playing this music appeals to you, please give Bob a call, and come on out!! We'd love to have you join us, so if you can give us some advance notices, we can try to get you the music that first night.
What's Coming Up?
Our next performance will be at the Wascana Rehabilitation Center on Wednesday, December 3. More details will be announced as the date gets closer - and will be added to the calendar entry as well.
Coming up after that will be our Christmas Concert on Sunday, December 14th.
Note: proper concert attire is all black - It sets off the music better when we all look consistent - and it lets us concentrate on playing.
The November 50-50 draw has been made - be sure to check your email for the winning ticket number.
We are having a raffle as well - again, check your email for the list of fabulous prizes. Ticket books will be distributed next week (November 19).
Fees are now OVERDUE. If you are having cash flow issues, check with the executive to arrange a payment plan that suits you.
Please let us know if you aren't able to get to band - the best method is to call Bob or email us.
Calendar Summary