December Update
Post date: Dec 02, 2010 6:23:19 AM
The Christmas Concert is approaching QUICKLY
Our Christmas Concert is just around the corner - and the weather seems to delight in showing us what a real "White Christmas" looks like!
We will be playing at Lakeview United Church, including a number with the organist. The concert starts at 7pm.
Members should be there at 6 to tune and set up. Please bring one dozen dainties [NUT FREE, please] for the intermission refreshments, and wear all black.
After the concert, please help with cleaning up and moving the equipment - many hands DO make light work!
In a departure from tradition, there will be no social following the concert. However there are reservations at the Last Straw for Wednesday, December 8 for those who want to celebrate beating the cold.
Church Service Performance - Sunday, December 23
Lakeview United Church has invited us to perfrom during their service on Sunday, December 12. Please be at the church by 9:30 to set up and tune. We will play from 10:00 to 10:30 before the service, which starts at 10:30, as well as some hymns during the service. Please wear all black.
Regular Reminders:
Please contact your band director if you are unable to attend rehearsal.
Fees were due November 3: same price as last year, and the year before, and the year before!!
Please pay them or make arrangements AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Upcoming Events:
December 5, 7pm: Christmas Concert, at Lakeview United Church - rehearsals finish for the fall
December 12,10am: Playing for Lakeview's Sunday Service (see calendar for details!)
January 12, 2011: Band Rehearsals resume
February 23: Clinic with Clinton Marshall - it was great fun last year!
March 23-25: Regina Optimist Band Festival - performance date and time to follow when available.
April 22-29: Easter break for Regina Public schools
May 1: Spring Concert: 2pm at Thom Collegiate