Resolutions, anyone?
Post date: Jan 09, 2019 5:8:51 AM
How many of us are resolving to practice a little more?
Whether or not your resolutions include practicing, it is time to get back to making music. And to help us along with that resolution, we've got more NEW MUSIC!! Check out the music links to see if you can spot the new ones - and if you find better performances, please let Tracie know.
We will be back to watching for weathery Wednesdays - and hoping they won't interfere with regular rehearsals. If conditions are such that there could be an issue, please watch your inbox for cancellation emails.
For those that played in the Christmas concert - thank you for all the efforts to make it a success!
Since it's time to get back, it's also time for the second fees installment for those that chose the two-payment plan.
Also, if you still have either a Christmas folder or a November 11th folder (or both), please bring them to band as soon as possible so the music can be sorted out for next year.
Please let us know if you won't be able to attend a rehearsal as well
Upcoming Events
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