It's beginning to look a lot like ...
Post date: Nov 30, 2012 5:13:24 AM
Winter is definitely here to stay!
SPECIAL NOTE: On Wednesday, December 5, we will be rehearsing at Winston Knoll High School, located at 5255 Rochdale Boulevard. Park in the front parking lot and go in the main door. There will be someone there to direct you to the music room.
Since this is the last rehearsal before the concert, please make every effort to attend - if you really can't get there, please let Bob or Jane know.
Don't forget about the quilt raffle tickets - the draw will be made during the Christmas concert, so we will need to hand in the tickets and proceeds before then. We will be able to sell some tickets while folks are munching on dainties at intermission, but let's not make everyone juggle food, a drink, and money for tickets.
Concert Reminders:
1. Electronic version of the poster is attached below - please post a few wherever you can!
2. Uniform is ALL black. Not navy, not brown, not purple, just BLACK.
3. Please bring a plate of snacks/treats/dainties - about 12 pieces - to share with our guests and each other. NO NUTS, please (yes, our band members can be considered slightly nutty from time to time, but we're talking about the edible - and potentially life-threatening - ones here)
4. Bring a friend or two, a relative or three, and let's start the festive season off right!
Fees are now overdue - if you haven't paid yet, please make payment arrangements as soon as possible!!
Attendance: Please let Bob or Jane know if you cannot attend - especially important when we have so few rehearsals before our Christmas Concert!
Upcoming Events:
December 9: Christmas Concert! (and our last get-together before Christmas)
January 9, 2013: First rehearsal of 2013