It's already September? Where did the year go?
It's already September? Where did the year go?
Aside from that major shift to Mondays last year, now there's a big change in who's at the front of the room!
Bob has officially retired, and Stacy Grunert will be directing the Senior band. After Jane retired during the initial round of Covid, Stacy took that group on. Rather than asking her to handle both groups, we are welcoming Bev Brander as director of the Intermediate band this fall.
When do we start again? January/February 2022
When do we start again? January/February 2022
... we will be returning, really we will, we just want everyone to stay safe!
Challenges: October 2021
Challenges: October 2021
... not the same-old same-old!
Starting Up: September 2021
Starting Up: September 2021
... for only a little while
Preparations! August 2021
Preparations! August 2021
We have a start-up date! - Aug 14, 2021 5:44:7 AM
Hopefully, Returning this September... - Aug 09, 2021 4:0:23 AM